Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Who Knew This

Plus This

Could Equal This

Yep, it's that time of year again, Potato Harvest. The kids get out of school for a week and a half. So, instead of going and picking potatoes, we go on vacation! We're heading back to Disneyland this year along with my two sisters. The boys have never been to California Disney (Except for Bennett but just for a minute) so it will be fun to take them on rides they haven't really been on.

My sister Lara tagged me for telling what some of my quirks are, so here it goes,
I've used this one before, but I'll tell you again, I don't like it when people sneeze more then two times, it just puts everything off.
I have to have the cupboard and pantry doors shut. If they are open I immediately have to go shut them.
I'm an organize freak, that doesn't necessarily mean I'm a clean freak, just that things have to be structured in my head. For example I plan way ahead on how I will get off the exit on a freeway.
I have to have my blinds open.
At work I hate it when people come up through the exit even though there is no line. (I think it goes against my organized theory)
I'm sure there are more but I can't think of any now.


Tiffany said...

I'm movin to Idaho!
My mom, dad, and Terilyn's family just got back. I'm jealous. Have a great time.

wandering nana said...

So when did we do Disneyland with your kids" I thought we did a day with them when Jake had his birthday. I must have gotten the cupboard thing from you as I do the same thing but do it without thinking about it.

The Gist Family said...

I am soooooo jealous! Eddie said we have to go on a vacation someplace else before we go back to Disneyland, to which I replied, "we did, don't you remember going to Disney WORLD?... that was different. Plus what do you call all of those camping trips" And Shelby knows how much I want to go so she hums the "when you wish upon a star" music just to make it worse. Dang Teenagers.