Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sorry no pictures this time. I did have my camera, but in my family EVERYONE is a photographer. So I sat back and watched them take pictures. Afterward I realized I really should have snapped a few. We had a great day. Most of my family was able to meet in Boise, so we drove the 4 hours there to spend the day. (and it was literally a day we left w/in 24 hrs of getting there, to head to Utah) We were spoiled with great cooking and company. The boys enjoyed playing football and rocks, paper, scissors with my Uncle. Now this isn't a typical game, if you lose, your opponet gets to slap you as hard as they can with two fingers on the wrist. My Uncle played this with me when I was little and he wouldn't hold back I would walk away with bright red arms, so the tradition continued yesterday. What a great holiday! I love that we have a day that is about giving thanks. I really believe that being grateful is one of the key components to being a good person. I hope your holiday was just as great, how lucky I am to have such great family and friends.


wandering nana said...

Isn't it funny that we wrote about the same thing... the Uncle game that has been passed down. I wonder what Uncle will continue this in the future when us old people are too feeble to remember how you play it and also that it would be highly dangerous if the old Uncle lost... brittle bones you know. Glad we got to spend Thanksgiving with you.

Meggan said...

I really wish I could have been there. I hated that game it hurt so bad and I always lost from what I can remember. When I think about it now I love that we had such a great relationship with him that he felt like we were one of his own. I am thankful for you guys and I love you all!